Differences Between A Crêpe & A Galette

Crêpes and galettes have a rich culinary history that dates back to as early as the 12th century and 14th century respectively. The two classic French dishes may look similar and originate from the same place (Brittany, a region in Northwest of France), but they are vastly different in terms of how they are made, what ingredients go into them and how people pair them with drinks.

Did you know that there’s a special day celebrating all things crêpe? Called La Chandeleur or Crêpe Day, this French holiday falls on every 2nd February!

Here are some key points you should know to differentiate between a crêpe and a galette.

Differences between Crepe and Galette

Ingredients Involved: What’s The Difference Between Crêpes & Galettes?

Let’s first begin by discussing what both crepes and galettes are made of.

Crêpes are similar to pancakes as they involve eggs, milk and all-purpose flour. The only exception is that crêpes do not require a leavening agent. Crêpes are often topped with sweet condiments i.e. caramel, cream, chocolate and fresh fruits. It is often served as a dessert, which explains why it is smaller compared to its savoury counterpart.

Galettes are typically savoury and made using gluten-free buckwheat flour as opposed to regular flour. They are comparatively larger as they are commonly eaten as a main course, where galettes are usually filled with savoury ingredients such as cheese, egg and ham. The French have galettes at any time of the day – including breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Crepe VS Galette

Crêpes VS Galettes: Taste & Texture

Crêpes are thin, golden-hued, pancake-like treats. They start off as a thin, runny batter and are cooked on a large flat pan. Syrup or sweet ingredients are added, before the thin crêpes are rolled or folded into halves and quarters.

Galettes use buckwheat flour (which are naturally gluten-free) for its batter, hence a darker brown hue and nuttier flavour when cooked. Bacon, cheese, herbs, meats and other savoury ingredients are typical fillings for galettes.

Crêpes/Galettes Drink Pairings

Coffee, tea and dessert wines generally go well with sweet crepes. For instance, chocolate crepes and sweet red wines are a popular pairing. That said, there are no hard and fast rules on what you must eat pair with crepes.

The galette is traditionally enjoyed with apple cider, an intriguing and quirky fact that makes it unique among French foods. Tip: Champagne would best complement salmon galettes as it would enhance the seafood’s flavours.

We are opening French Fold soon, an all-day restaurant serving crepes and galettes. Stay tuned and follow French Fold’s Instagram for updates!